How to Handle Teenage Tantrums in 20 Simple Ways

by Sola Legend
toddler with red adidas sweat shirt

Dealing with teenage tantrums can be challenging for parents and caregivers. Adolescence is a period of significant change, both physically and emotionally, and tantrums are a common expression of frustration and stress during this time. However, with patience, understanding, and effective strategies, you can navigate through these difficult moments and foster a healthy relationship with your teenager. Here are 20 simple ways to handle teenage tantrums effectively.

1. Stay Calm

Maintain your composure during tantrums to model emotional regulation for your teenager. Take deep breaths and stay composed to prevent escalating the situation.

2. Validate Their Feelings

Listen actively to your teenager’s concerns and validate their emotions. Acknowledge their feelings without judgment to help them feel understood and supported.

2.1. Empathize

Put yourself in your teenager’s shoes and try to understand the underlying causes of their tantrums. Empathizing with their perspective can help de-escalate the situation and build trust.

3. Set Clear Boundaries

Establish clear rules and consequences to provide structure and guidance for your teenager. Consistent boundaries can help prevent tantrums by setting expectations and promoting accountability.

4. Encourage Healthy Communication

Promote open and honest communication with your teenager. Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner, and listen actively without interrupting.

4.1. Active Listening

Practice active listening by paraphrasing your teenager’s words and reflecting back their emotions. This demonstrates that you value their perspective and are willing to engage in meaningful dialogue.

5. Provide Space

Respect your teenager’s need for space and independence. Give them opportunities to cool off and process their emotions independently before discussing the issue further.

6. Offer Support

Offer reassurance and support to your teenager during difficult moments. Let them know that you are there for them unconditionally, regardless of their behaviour.

a mother crouching next to a boy sitting on the floor
Offer your child support
Photo by Ron Lach on

6.1. Problem-Solving

Collaborate with your teenager to find solutions to the underlying issues contributing to their tantrums. Encourage them to brainstorm constructive ways to address their concerns.

7. Avoid Power Struggles

Avoid getting drawn into power struggles with your teenager during tantrums. Instead of trying to control or dominate the situation, focus on finding common ground and resolving conflicts peacefully.

8. Lead By Example

Model positive behaviour for your teenager to emulate. Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms, conflict resolution skills, and emotional regulation techniques in your own interactions.

8.1. Self-Care

Prioritize self-care to maintain your own well-being and resilience as a parent. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally enables you to better support your teenager during challenging times.

9. Encourage Healthy Outlets

Encourage your teenager to channel their emotions into productive outlets such as sports, hobbies, or creative activities. Physical exercise and creative expression can help them release pent-up energy and emotions.

10. Seek Professional Help

If tantrums persist or escalate to a concerning level, seek guidance from a mental health professional. A therapist or counsellor can provide valuable support and strategies for managing teenage behaviour.

11. Establish Routine

Create a structured daily routine to provide stability and predictability for your teenager. Consistent routines can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to fewer tantrums.

12. Limit Screen Time

Set limits on your teenager’s screen time to promote healthy habits and reduce potential triggers for tantrums. Encourage alternative activities such as reading, outdoor play, or spending time with family.

13. Celebrate Achievements

Recognize and celebrate your teenager’s achievements and milestones. Positive reinforcement can boost their self-esteem and confidence, reducing the likelihood of tantrums.

14. Practice Patience

Be patient and understanding with your teenager, even during challenging moments. Remember that adolescence is a period of transition, and tantrums are often a natural part of the process.

15. Teach Coping Skills

Teach your teenager practical coping skills to manage stress and regulate their emotions. Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and journaling can help them navigate difficult situations more effectively.

16. Set Realistic Expectations

Avoid placing unrealistic expectations on your teenager, which can lead to frustration and resentment. Recognize their individual strengths and limitations, and adjust your expectations accordingly.

17. Foster Independence

Encourage your teenager to take on increasing levels of responsibility and independence. Empowering them to make decisions and solve problems autonomously can boost their confidence and reduce dependency on parental support.

18. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key when dealing with teenage tantrums. Stick to your established rules and consequences to maintain a sense of stability and accountability for your teenager.

19. Practice Gratitude

Cultivate a culture of gratitude within your family by expressing appreciation for each other regularly. Focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship can strengthen your bond and mitigate conflicts.

20. Seek Family Support

Reach out to friends, family members, or support groups for guidance and encouragement. Connecting with other parents facing similar challenges can provide valuable insights and reassurance.


Handling teenage tantrums requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. By implementing these simple strategies and fostering a supportive environment, you can navigate through this challenging phase and strengthen your relationship with your teenager.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I tell if my teenager’s tantrums are normal or a cause for concern?

It’s essential to assess the frequency, intensity, and duration of your teenager’s tantrums. If they are occurring frequently and interfering with daily functioning, or if there are underlying issues such as depression or anxiety, consider seeking professional guidance from a mental health professional.

2. What should I do if my teenager refuses to talk about their feelings during a tantrum?

Respect your teenager’s need for space and avoid pressuring them to talk. Let them know that you are available to listen whenever they are ready to communicate, and encourage them to express themselves in their own time.

3. Is it normal for teenagers to have mood swings and tantrums?

Yes, mood swings and tantrums are common during adolescence due to hormonal changes and emotional development. However, if these behaviours persist or escalate, it may indicate underlying issues that require attention.

4. How can I help my teenager manage their anger during tantrums?

Encourage your teenager to identify triggers for their anger and develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage it. Techniques such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a time-out can help them regulate their emotions effectively.

5. Should I punish my teenager for having tantrums?

Instead of resorting to punishment, focus on addressing the underlying causes of the tantrum and teaching constructive ways to manage emotions. Punishment can escalate conflicts and damage your relationship with your teenager.

You can also read this article Teen Temper Tantrums: 6 Steps to Stop the Screaming for more help!

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